Saudi Arabia: Princess Nourah University offers Chinese language

Riyadh, The Gulf Observer: Chinese language programmes offered by Princess Nourah University are helping boost the Saudi education sector.
The university has diplomas in Chinese language in partnership with the Beijing Language and Culture University.
Around 200 female students have enrolled in the Diploma in Chinese Language, while 33 have signed up for the Diploma in Business Chinese Language.
The university said that the two programmes contribute to the Kingdom’s efforts to foster educational exchange with China and promote the country’s language in the Kingdom.
It added they support communication between the two countries in the field of teaching and learning the Chinese language
Meanwhile, the university’s Arabic Language Teaching Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers has seen several Chinese students graduate after mastering Arabic.
The university said it seeks to provide a quality education that helps advance the economy, produce pioneering competitive skills, and supports students to serve the country.
It said its courses contribute to realizing the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, as well as provide Saudi females with the necessary skills to excel in the modern workplace.