Tashkent hosts exhibition “Pearls of the Temurids’ epoch”

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: As part of the Week of Cultural Events “Cultural heritage of Uzbekistan – the basis of a new renaissance”, an exhibition “Pearls of the Temurids’ era” is being held in Tashkent, organized at the State Museum of the History of the Temurids by the Cultural Heritage Agency together with the Cinematography Agency of Uzbekistan, gathered unique exhibits reflecting this period.
In this exposition, in addition to the unique items stored in the museum treasury, for the first time, pearls of the Temurids era, stored in the funds of the museums of our country, are brought together and shown to our people, including in the Shakhrisabz State Museum-Reserve of the Kashkadarya region, in the State Museum-Reserve of Samarkand , in the State Museum-Reserve of Bukhara, in the State Museum of History and Culture of the Ferghana Region and in the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan.
The era of Amir Temur and the Temurids occupy a special place in the history of world civilization. The spiritual and material heritage of the Temurids era has become one of the bright pages of world culture. During this period, science, architecture, fine arts, literature, poetry and music reached their highest development, which, in turn, was called the “Temurid Renaissance”.
The exhibition demonstrated samples of architectural decorations, testifying to the high development of architecture and urban planning under the auspices of Amir Temur and the Temurids, samples of pottery and metal chasing, which are important branches of the craft of Movarounnahr, preserved rare manuscripts of the Temurids era, proving the golden period of the history of Uzbek written culture and book art, examples of diplomatic correspondence and donation (waqf) documents that have survived to this day, copper and silver coins confirming the economic development and monetary policy of the state of Amir Temur and the Temurids, as well as weapons reflecting the military art of the era of our great ancestor and his descendants.