Today Marks 149 Years Since the Establishment of Azerbaijan’s National Press

Baku, The Gulf Observer: Today, Azerbaijan commemorates the 149th anniversary of its national press establishment. Media reports highlight the historical significance of this date, rooted in the inception of the “Akinchi” newspaper by Hasan Bey Zardabi on July 22, 1875. This day has been celebrated as National Press Day in Azerbaijan since 1991.
Although “Akinchi” only published 56 issues between July 22, 1875, and September 1877, its impact on the foundation and evolution of the national press in Azerbaijan has been profound. The newspaper, which focused on enlightening the public, quickly gained popularity among both intellectuals and the general populace. Esteemed intellectuals and writers of the era frequently contributed to its pages. Despite its influential role, “Akinchi” faced suppression from Tsarist Russia, which curtailed its publication due to its role in educating the public about social and political issues.
The Azerbaijani press has since experienced cycles of decline and resurgence, consistently serving as a mirror reflecting societal views on various processes. A significant milestone in the development of the press was the abolition of censorship in August 1998. The Decree by President Heydar Aliyev on August 16, 1998, titled “On measures to ensure freedom of speech, thought, and information in the Republic of Azerbaijan,” ended media censorship. This decree not only accelerated the growth of the mass media but also laid out the framework for a comprehensive State Program aimed at enhancing media efficacy.
Today, Azerbaijan boasts a diverse array of newspapers and magazines, with internet journalism also on the rise. The government has shown continued support for the press through decrees that celebrate press anniversaries, provide financial assistance, and improve social protections for press workers. Journalists have been honored with titles and awards for their contributions to the national press.
In line with efforts to support press workers, two residential buildings were constructed, with President Ilham Aliyev attending the apartment distribution ceremonies in 2013 and 2017 on National Press Day. The Azerbaijani Constitution enshrines freedom of speech and press as fundamental principles, fostering the media’s development into a free and robust social institution. Azerbaijani journalists have been pivotal in achieving these advancements.
On June 30, 2020, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree to celebrate the 145th anniversary of the Azerbaijani national press. Further, on January 12, 2021, a decree was signed to deepen media reforms, leading to the establishment of the Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This entity was formed to support media development, continue institutional efforts in the field, and promote new information and communication technologies and innovations.
As Azerbaijan marks this significant milestone, the nation honors the enduring legacy and continued progress of its national press.