US announces $1.45 billion annual aid for Jordan for next five years

US supports providing $1.45 bn per year in foreign assistance to Jordan.
New York, The Gulf Observer: The United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan have signed an MoU on strategic partnership, whereby the former supports providing $1.45 billion per year in bilateral foreign assistance to the latter beginning in Fiscal Year 2023 and ending in Fiscal Year 2029.
“Today, we signed the fourth Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Partnership (MOU) between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The United States supports providing $1.45 billion per year in U.S. bilateral foreign assistance to Jordan beginning in Fiscal Year 2023 and ending in Fiscal Year 2029. One of the most significant bilateral instruments of its kind, the MOU represents a major commitment to Jordan’s stability and the durability of the strategic partnership,” said a statement by the US Department of State.
“The U.S. commitment to Jordan’s security and prosperity is ironclad, and this MOU will address the extraordinary challenges Jordan faces, as it mitigates the heavy impact of regional challenges, supports King Abdullah II’s economic reform program, and ensures the long-term strength of the close partnership between the United States and Jordan,” added the statement.
According to the statement, this MOU comes at a critical juncture as the “Government of Jordan is prioritizing and implementing key reforms to strengthen its economy and enhance services to its people.
“The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan highly values its partnership with the United States of America and is grateful for the support it continues to provide to Jordan to help its economic development process and support the Kingdom’s efforts in providing dignified lives to millions of refugees.”