Cairo Film Festival Grants Ahmed Ezz The Faten Hamama Award for Excellence

Cairo International Film Festival grants “Ahmed Ezz” (Faten Hamama Award for Excellence), during its 45th session, to be held from 15-24 November 2023, in appreciation of what he presented throughout his artistic career that began since the end of the nineties.
Hussein Fahmy, head of the Cairo Film Festival, commenting on honoring Ezz, saying: “Ahmed Ezz shall receive (Faten Hamama Award), recognizing his distinguished career in cinema, as we are interested in encouraging artists who have presented a lot to Egyptian cinema, and we are so glad of this honoring ceremony to come, and we surely wish him success in what comes next.”
Director Amir Ramses, director of festival, announced: “I am rather glad of choosing such distinguished artist, Ahmed Ezz, to receive award of (Faten Hamama Award), for his success during the past years in building a great artistic career, and as an artist who ventured a lot presenting a different genres of films than those that used to top the box office, especially that comedies have been at the forefront of box office for so many years. Ezz was able to achieve great success, beginning with his cooperation with director Sandra Nashat and his work with the great director Sharif Arafa in more than one film, as well as the great director Marwan Hamed, and I truly believe that he is a distinctive artist in his choices and deserves this award for sure.”