Devastating toll: 24 lives lost in Noto Earthquake


Tokyo, The Gulf Observer: The aftermath of the powerful earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula and surrounding areas in central Japan on New Year’s Day has left a devastating impact, with a confirmed death toll of at least 24 individuals. The magnitude-7.6 quake inflicted extensive structural damage and triggered fires in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture.

Rescue operations confronted challenges due to persistent aftershocks and blocked roads strewn with rubble, particularly evident in the tragic loss of seven lives at Wajima Municipal Hospital. Although tsunami warnings along the Sea of Japan were lifted on Tuesday morning, the aftermath unveiled profound destruction, including a striking image of a seven-story building toppled sideways and fires engulfing the central Wajima area.

Despite over 200 structures succumbing to flames, Ishikawa prefectural officials have reported a minimal risk of further spread. Ongoing rescue efforts persist, with 14 individuals reported trapped under rubble in the beleaguered city, reflecting the urgent and complex nature of post-disaster response.