ENCON3 opening ceremony
Kuwait, The Gulf Observer: The opening ceremony of the 3rd Consulting Services for the Development Plan Forum (ENCON3) commences at 6.30 pm on January 10.
Abzulaziz Al-Mojel, Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, patronizes the event. This was announced in a press release issued by KFEOCH. ENCON3 continues for two more days. It is held under the slogan “Completing the plans of the Electronic Portal for Permits and addressing the Challenges of Building and Housing Plans.”
Commenting on ENCON3 topics, Eng Bader Al-Salman, president of KFEOCH, said, “Construction projects in general and housing projects in particular are part of social security of any country.
The past three years have been devastated by COVID-19, followed by emergence of war. This caused the challenges facing the implementation of building and housing projects to deepen in Kuwait as in many other countries.
The decline in the efficiency of logistics services, the lack of workforce, building materials and equipment, and the high cost of this entire have significantly impacted our capabilities. We hope all participants will join efforts during ENCON3 and beyond to discuss these challenges and explore ways to face and overcome them.
We also need to overcome all obstacles to complete the implementation of the automated Permits System because of its positive and effective impact on shortening administrative procedures for obtaining permits, reducing their cost, and speeding up the start of projects,” he said.