Indonesia’s achievement in finding 74% TB cases become global example

74 tb

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that Indonesia’s success in finding 74 percent of tuberculosis (TB) cases in 2022 has become a global pilot achievement.

Based on a written statement issued by the ministry on Thursday, Indonesia participated in the 36th Stop TB Boarding Meeting in Varanasi, India, on March 25-26, 2023.

The meeting, which is held annually, discusses progress in handling TB in the world, one of which is Indonesia’s success in finding 74 percent of TB cases by 2022.

Through video tapping, the minister expressed belief that Indonesia could eliminate TB.

“Indonesia has been supported by many multi-sectoral regulations and will continue to improve TB surveillance through developing digital innovations and utilizing the latest technology,” he remarked.

According to Sadikin, Indonesia is one of the countries with the second-highest TB burden in the world and is fully committed to eliminating the disease.

Meanwhile, the Ministry’s Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, stated that despite health services being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia continues its commitment to achieving the TB elimination target.

“This can be seen that in 2022, Indonesia has succeeded in finding 74 percent of the estimated target of TB cases that have been achieved by intensifying active case finding, public and private collaboration, and taking a multi-sectoral approach,” Rondonuwu remarked.

Indonesia also conveyed its full support for the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB that will be held in September 2023, as an effort to provide the best treatment for TB patients through shorter treatments, more affordable diagnostic tools, and innovative prevention, he stated.

This was also conveyed by Brazil’s deputy health minister, who underscored the need for TB prevention, such as through vaccinations, that should be easily accessible for developing countries to realize health equity for all.

Meanwhile, Indian Health Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya, noted that India is highly committed to eliminating TB by 2025, which will be monitored specifically by Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi.

Coinciding with World TB Day on March 24, 2023, Rondonuwu, along with representatives of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), attended the One Health TB Summit held by Indian PM Modi in Varanasi, India.

At this Summit, PM Modi expressed his commitment to eliminating TB in India by 2025 through one of his strategies realizing active case finding in both special and general populations.

The Indonesian entourage also had the opportunity to directly review the handling of TB in a community that is 40 kilometers from the City of Varanasi.

During the visit, they saw the condition of TB services where health services are carried out right from primary health service to finding TB cases, with additional support to help speedy recovery of patients by providing additional nutrition and support from community health workers in treating TB in India, Rondonuwu stated.