Jakarta records reduction of carbon emissions on World Ozone Day

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: The Jakarta Environmental Service recorded a reduction of 86.47 tons of carbon emissions on Saturday, when the capital city commemorated World Ozone Day by turning off lights in some locations.
“On Saturday, there was carbon emissions (CO2) reduction of 86.47 tons,” the Head of the Jakarta Environmental Service (DLH), Asep Kuswanto, said here on Sunday.
Kuswanto noted that the reduction was calculated from the total electricity saving of 102 MWh, where each kilowatt-hour (KwH) of electricity consumption is equal to 0.85 kilograms of CO2 emissions.
The city administration on Saturday turned off lights in 11 locations, including government buildings, roads, some restaurants, hotels, and apartments, from 20.30 to 21.30 local time, to commemorate World Ozone Day.
According to the state-owned electricity company, PT PLN of Jakarta Main Distribution Unit, the move has saved electricity consumption from 205 Megawatt-hour (MWh) to 102 MWh.
With the electricity tariff of Rp1,444.70/KWh, it has saved Rp146.9 thousand in electricity cost, Kuswanto added.
He mentioned that the regional government previously appealed to related parties to turn off lights in government buildings, symbols of the capital city, and roads in order to save electrical energy for one hour on Saturday at 20.30-21.30 local time.
However, lights and electricity at public service buildings such as hospitals and community health centers (puskesmas) still remained to provide service to the community.
“By turning off the lights for 60 minutes, we can help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We also tried to educate the public to reduce carbon emissions by saving electrical energy and the economy as well,” Public Relations Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service, Yogi Ikhwan, said.