Norms ensuring social security will be introduced into New Constitution of Uzbekistan

During last few years, the importance of our people’s participation in society, the ideas and initiatives put forward, and their opinions have comprehensively evolved. As a result, society’s demand for reforms and changes is rising daily.
In today’s rapidly changing world, first of all, the Development Strategy aimed at the development of our country in five years and the implementation of the goals set in it require not only strengthening our laws but also improving the norms aimed at increasing human dignity in our Basic Law and adapting them to the requirements of today.
Hence, following initiatives raised by ordinary people of the country, the work on adopting the new version of the Constitution was carried out, and it was decided to hold a national referendum in this regard.
In turn, it should be mentioned that the critical change introduced in Article 1 of the updated Constitution, i.e., the fact that the country is a social state, is reflected in our Basic Law. The provisions outlined in Article 1 serve as the foundation for Uzbekistan’s constitutional reforms. All subsequent alterations and additions to the draft’s text are intended to guarantee the effective implementation of these key provisions. In this regard, it should be outlined that the constitutional reform is intended to radically alter the paradigm of thinking and the principles of activity in the state and public administration systems, establishing the postulate “person – society – state” as the basis for relations in New Uzbekistan rather than the principle “state – society – person”.
In other words, Uzbekistan is gradually moving towards creating a welfare state. This is a form of government in which the state protects and promotes its citizens’ economic and social well-being, based upon the principles of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for citizens unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. At this point, the question may arise about how these changes will benefit our people.
Based on the increase in the social role of the state, in particular, citizens of the socially needy category are provided with housing. The minimum monthly salary will be determined considering decent living conditions. Also, the rights of citizens to receive guaranteed medical care are ensured. Many more such examples can be cited. In turn, the Constitution guarantees the right of young people to receive education at the state’s expense based on scholarships. Therefore, permanent quotas for state scholarships are allocated in higher education institutions, and this procedure will never be cancelled.
In conclusion, finding solutions to society’s goals, tasks, and problems is essential. At this point, by strengthening the social role of the state in the Constitution and moving towards creating a welfare state, it is possible to raise ensuring human interests to a new level. In this regard, the legal guarantees specified in the new version of the Constitution are fundamental.