Pakistan Vows Enhanced Security for Chinese Citizens Working on CPEC Projects

CPEC Projects

Islamabad, The Gulf Observer: Pakistan has pledged to provide robust security for Chinese citizens working on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other projects within the country. This assurance was given during a meeting between Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zedong at the Chinese Embassy in the federal capital on Sunday.

The discussions also covered the recent visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to China, focusing on strengthening Pakistan-China relations and enhancing the security measures for Chinese nationals in Pakistan.

Interior Minister Naqvi highlighted that the prime minister’s visit has bolstered the longstanding friendship with China. He acknowledged the unwavering support from China’s top leadership for Pakistan. The minister briefed the Chinese envoy on the comprehensive security strategies being implemented to safeguard Chinese citizens, including those in Islamabad.

Naqvi elaborated on the security plans for Chinese engineers and staff involved in CPEC and other projects, detailing that effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been established. Additionally, a dedicated force, the Special Protection Unit (SPU), is being created in Islamabad to ensure the safety of foreign nationals.

“The protection of our Chinese brothers, who are contributing to Pakistan’s construction and development, is the top priority of the government of Pakistan,” Naqvi stated. He emphasized that the enduring friendship between Pakistan and China is unbreakable, and any attempts to undermine this bilateral relationship will not be tolerated.

Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zedong expressed gratitude and satisfaction with the security measures. He reaffirmed that Pakistan and China are “iron brothers,” with Beijing placing great importance on its relationship with Pakistan.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited China from June 4 to June 8, following an invitation from Premier Li Qiang. During the visit, Prime Minister Shehbaz met with President Xi Jinping, Premier Li, and other senior officials. According to a joint statement from the Foreign Office, China reiterated its steadfast support for Pakistan in various domains, including sovereignty, national independence, and territorial integrity. The Chinese leadership also emphasized their commitment to supporting Pakistan’s development, security, and efforts against terrorism.

Both nations reiterated their zero-tolerance stance on terrorism and agreed to further strengthen their cooperation in counter-terrorism and security through a comprehensive approach.

This meeting and the ensuing commitments reflect the deep and enduring partnership between Pakistan and China, aimed at mutual development and security in the region.