Pakistan was inevitable
Pakistan the hope land of South Asian Muslims came into being as an independent country on 14th of August,1947. The Muslims of the South Asia started their political struggle for independence just after the failure of armed struggle under last Mughal king Bahadur Shah zafer in 1857.
The colonial British imperialism regarded it mutiny against their rule in the Indian sub continent. The tutelage king was a Muslim, and his effort to liberate himself was declared by the British as mutiny. Though both Hindus and Muslims took part in this war to restore mughal rule but the British thought Muslims are the real culprits and their real enemies. So, they planned to promote the Hindus in every walk of life to cope the Muslim threat to their rule.
This policy of the colonial rulers proved fatal for the Muslims. So, in a very short span of time the Hindus became dominant in indigenous affairs of british India.
Now the muslims were the most ignorant community of the British India and Hindus were the apple of the eyes of the new rulers.
The main reason behind this policy was the mistrust and feeling of disloyalty from the Muslims. Infact the Muslims were deprived of their king and political power, so naturally they were against the new rule, this hate and mistrust was totally against the muslim interest , at this critical juncture of history a visionary named Sir. Syed Ahmed khan appeared at the horizon of India. He assessed the whole situation in it’s TRUE prospective and played a leading role to bridge the gap of mistrust and enmity prevailing after the Indian mutiny. Sir. Syed Ahmed Khan was an intellectual, historian, educationist and a reformer in his person.
He adopted a practical approach to rebuild cordial relations between the rulers and the Muslims. He started an education movement, the main purpose of this movement was to educate Muslims and make them the loyal and faithful citizens of the colonial rulers.
Sir. Syed made a model school, college and then the university to provide knowledge to Muslims and prepared them to participate in the affairs of state like Hindus. He preached Muslims to be faithful to the foreign rulers and compete Hindus in all walks of life
His total focus was on the Muslim education and loyalty with the British rule. According to him this was the most safe way for the muslims of India to exist and prosper.
In 1885 Indian National Congress, a political party was made by the rulers, its main object was to facilitate Indians in the state affairs. Sir. Syed with his God gifted ability and foresight guessed the British intention to introduce a controlled democracy in India. He forbade Muslims to join the Indian National Congress.
He also started a campaign to convince the rulers about the fatal results of Britain model democracy in British India. He aware the rulers about the consequences of majority is authority based democracy for India. According to Sir. Syed it will be a source of dissatisfaction for the muslims who are a politically, educationally and economically backward minority.
According to Sir. Syed Ahmed Khan this would be most unfit for a country having multi religious, linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity.
The educated Muslims belonging to Muslim elite class almost followed the advise of Sir. Syed and refrained from the political activities of the Indian National Congress.
But soon a time came when the muslims realised the need of their own political party to fulfill their desire to get more facilities from the Govt. by political dialogue. So, they made All India Muslim league in 1906.
This proved a suitable forum of expression of Muslim demands for their safe and honourable future. With the passage of time the Indian National Congress which was a Hindu dominated party got momentum and attracted many Muslims for her anti imperialist stance.
These Muslims whole heartedly began to promote the slogan of Hindu Muslim unity to quit the British , Indian National Congress was pretending her the savior of Indians and sole representative of Indians irrespective of their religion, faith, cost and creed.
At that time the Muslim League was confined to the party of Muslim feudals and business elite having follower of Sir. Syed policy to refrain from lodging any campaign against British rule.
The dynamic leadership of Mohn Das Gandhi the indian national congress got sympathies of the Muslim Religious, middle and lower middle class to support the Turkish Caliph in the First World war, it made the Indain National Congress as a sole political party of Indians and Gandhi achieved the peak of popularity among the people of sub continent. who opened.
All freedom lovers began to join congress because of her unbiased posture she displayed during Caliph Movement. Though still Indian National Congress was a Hindu majority and dominated which was being financed by hindu Capitalist class, but her colorful slogans of freedom and unity were also attractive for Muslims. The colorful posture of Indian National Congress and her slogans were impressive for common people and also convincing for educated class.
A young Muslim Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah also fascinated by the Congress and join it, Soon jinnah became a popular leader of this party and his untiring efforts for Hindu Muslim unity gave him the title of ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity. Now there came a point of difference between Muslims and Congress Party when a Committee was made by the British Govt. Of India to make the out lines of the future constitution of India under Moti Lal Nehru.
The report of this Committee was hopeless for the Muslims of the sub continent. Nehru declined all that was necessary for Muslim point of view to be equal beneficiaries with Hindus. This act of Congress leadership was a alkaram for Muslim leadership about the Congress future designs. Now Muslim intellectuals and political minded Muslims became to tilting towards Muslim League and process of revival of muslim politics at the platform of muslim league started. Now there were two political parties parallel for the freedom of India, the Muslim League insisted for separate election on communal basis for the safety of Muslims. Congress declined this just demand.
There came many ups and downs between the relationship of Hindu Muslim unity and the congress Muslim League political opinion.
The Muslim leadership a and common Muslim became disappointed from Congress, a time reached when Muhammad Ali jinnah became hopeless from hindu Muslim unity because of stubbornness of Congress leadership who gave no importance to Muslim demands for peaceful living in united India.
Now Nuhammad Ali Jinnah was compelled to quit Congress and join Muslim League for the safe future of muslims, The Muslim League welcomed Muhammad Ali Jinnah, he tried his best to make way for United India in case Congress accept Muslim demands for their safe future but all in vain.
It was March 23, 1940, when muslim league in annual session at Lahore passed a resulution and demanded from the British Govt. to make all muslim majority area as one entity for the religious, cultural security of muslims in British India. The Hindu press gave this demand the name of Pakistan( the land of pure people), infact this name of Pakistan was not mentioned in that resolution.
The powerful Hindu press spread this name in every corner of Indian sub continent.It was a blessing in disguise for Muslim League.
Now every Muslim was dreaming his separate country. The Second World War paved way for the independence of India.
Now Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the leader of Muslim league, he by dint of his legal wisdom and political vision started to gather muslims under the scepter of Muslim League with a slogan to divide India in Muslim majority and Hindu majority states. The span of 10 years after the Lahore resolution proved very crucial and full of amazing events in favour of Muslim League.
The leader of Muslim League Muhammad Ali Jinnah emerged as a popular leader of the muslims of India and they gave him the title of Quaid-i-Azam ( The Greatest Leader).
Quaid-i-Azam toured the whole Indian continent and organized Muslim league in such a manner it became a popular party of the Muslim masses.
During World War 2 the Indian National Congress started quit India movement, Quaid-i-Azam raised slogan divide and quit India, Congress started disobedient movement against the British and Quaid-i-Azam responded to make co- operation with the Govt. The Congress resigned from ministries but Quaid e Azam made Muslim league part of Govt. The congress leadership was jailed but Quaid-i-Azam used this opportunity to organize Muslim League message of separate muslim country for muslims of India.
These all happenings were a blessing for the Muslim Nation. During the absence of Congress at the political scene the Muslims got advantage to fill the vacant posts in civil and military departments. This was the time of glory and popularity of Quaid-i-Azam as the sole leader of the Muslims to decide the fate of India either to remain united or to be divided.
The last effort made to keep the unity of India was Cabinet mission plan, this plan had practical offer to satisfy both Conress and Muslim League, Both parties accepted it, in this plan the provinces were given choice to dislodge from Indian union within a specific time in case of dissatisfaction from centre.
But surprisingly Jawahir Lal Nehru gave a controversial remark at this plan and sealed the fate of united India, Quaid-i-Azam abruptly responded his statement and get back his approval of the plan. Now the creation of Pakistan was inevitable. There was no other choice left for the muslims except a separate Country most popularly known named as Pakistan. Thus the election of 1946 were contested by the muslim league at the one point manifesto of Pakistan, the result of this election was extremely in favour of Pakistan, the Muslim League won all the Muslim seats of constitutional assembly.
These results inflamed hindu majority areas and hindus started looting, killing muslims,dishonoring muslim women and torching their houses and properties. Though the 14th of August 1947 was a day of rejoicing and pleasures for Muslim nation of India but on the other hand millions of muslims were compelled to leave their homes to take shelter in muslim majority areas of Pakistan. This was one of the greatest migration of human history.
The new born country faced uncounted difficulties in the shape of huge burden of immigrants, destruction of institutions of the state and economic hurdles created by India to release the shares of Pakistan from the state bank of India. Indian Govt. showed dishonesty in delivering the military assets to Pakistan.
The most criminal act committed by India was the annexation of Muslim majority Kashmir, which resulted in a war. This war resulted a great burdon on Pakistan economy in the shape of migrants and military expenditures.
When a part of Kashmir was liberated and India saw slipping from her hands, Indian Govt. went to U.N.for cease fire till the plebiscite in kashmir to know the will of Kashmiris. The Govt.of Pakistan was trapped in this trap of India and accepted her offer. So this issue is still at the agenda of U.N. and Kashmir is an unfinished chapter of Indo Pakistan independence.