Pakistan: First ever empirical study submitted to Federal Ombudsman ‘Plight of street Children’


First ever empirical study submitted to Federal Ombudsman 'Plight of street Children.'

Islamabad, The Gulf Observer: The Federal Ombudsman has directed all concerned agencies of the Federal Govt. to implement the recommendations of the study report on “Plight of Street Children” in Islamabad prepared by the task force constituted by him. He was addressing a press conference in his office wherein the background of the study, its salient findings and key recommendations were brought out by him. He vowed to ensure the implementation of the recommendations. The study sets out priorities and gives evidence-based recommendations to the key stakeholders & government agencies. The research was conducted by Syeda Viquar un Nisa Hashmi, Advisor / Grievance Commissioner for Children and her team. This was reported to be the first ever empirical study focusing on street children in ICT. The research is to be taken as a Pilot Project which would be replicated in other parts of the country.

The research revealed that child labour / beggary is an outcome of extreme poverty, homelessness / abandonment of children, etc., and predominately a lucrative family business of some communities and begging rings. The field data revealed that 91% sample children were living with their families / guardian (generally the migrants from Northern Areas, Nomads termed as ‘Changar’ and refugees), while 9% were homeless. The medical examination of street children CPI revealed serious issues of malnourishment, drug addiction, sexual abuse, skin diseases and even HIV.

The report indicates that the present mechanism for the shelter, welfare and development of children in-need, is inadequate, and inefficient. The shelter facility is meant for boys only. The internal trafficking of children is not recognized as an offence. The report also indicates that there is neither legal provision relating to ban on child labour nor provision of minimum age for light work, which is the non-compliance of the ILO Convention.

The report indicates that violation of laws relating to children’s employment were witnessed but Local Administration had no record of action taken in this regard. The team also observed that there is no Child Court in ICT and only one Model Police Stationin ICT with a desk for children. The task force noted that from 1991 to May 2022, only 597 adult beggars and their facilitators were put behind the bars. Challans were submitted in 98.99% cases, leading to conviction in 98.09% and acquittal in 1.9%, yet scores of beggars are witnessed across the city. The report also indicates that 11,681 street children in ICT had been picked by the police from Jan.2020 to May 2022 and dropped at Edhi Centre and CPI. The Edhi Centre has neither mandate nor capacity to accommodate street children therefore, releases them in the evening.

The report recommended a robust mechanism for the rescue and care of children in need; registration of refugees on priority basis and basic facilities of health and education regardless of their status. The report also recommended training of Police and CPI officials to rescue street children.