Presidents of Uzbekistan and China Hold Strategic Talks in Astana

Presidents of Uzbekistan and China Hold Strategic Talks in Astana

Astana, The Gulf Observer: During a working visit to Astana, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, held significant negotiations with the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, as reported by media.

President Mirziyoyev expressed his sincere gratitude to President Xi for his steadfast support of the irreversible reforms in Uzbekistan and for his dedicated attention to strengthening the friendly relations and comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations. The leaders acknowledged a decisive breakthrough in all areas of bilateral cooperation in recent years, emphasizing the successful implementation of agreements reached during President Mirziyoyev’s state visit to China in January.

The talks highlighted the intensified interactions at various levels, including governments, parliaments, foreign policy, and industry agencies. Plans for the second meeting of the Strategic Dialogue of Foreign Ministers in Tashkent by the end of the year and the visit of a high-ranking Chinese parliamentary delegation to Uzbekistan were also discussed.

The economic partnership between Uzbekistan and China is flourishing, with trade turnover reaching $14 billion last year and potential to increase to $20 billion in the near future. The current portfolio of investment projects exceeds $50 billion, with over $3 billion in Chinese investments attracted to Uzbekistan since the beginning of the year, resulting in the creation of more than 500 new joint ventures.

Both leaders agreed to expedite the adoption of strategic cooperation programs in infrastructure, industrial cooperation, agriculture, and green energy. They noted with satisfaction the recent launch of the Uzbekistan – China Technology Park and the establishment of the first regional electric vehicle production facility, “BYD,” in the Jizzakh region.

The enhancement of partnerships with leading Chinese financial institutions was also praised. An Investment Platform has been established with the Silk Road Fund, and with the assistance of the Export-Import Bank of China, the construction of the Olympic Village in Tashkent is nearing completion. A regional branch of this bank is expected to open in Tashkent soon.

Interregional exchanges have intensified, with multiple visits from regional heads of Uzbekistan to China and delegations from various Chinese provinces to Uzbekistan. Trading houses have been opened in Beijing, Urumqi, and other cities, with plans for the second Forum of Regions next year.

President Mirziyoyev acknowledged President Xi’s support in practical poverty alleviation efforts and proposed a long-term program for exchanging experiences in this critical area. Both leaders emphasized the importance of commencing the construction of the China – Kyrgyzstan – Uzbekistan railway, a strategic project for enhancing transport connectivity and regional development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

The discussions also covered current regional and international issues, with Uzbekistan reaffirming its support for the “One China” policy and the fight against the “three forces of evil.” Close cooperation will continue within the frameworks of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the “Central Asia – China” format, and other international and regional structures.

President Mirziyoyev extended an invitation to President Xi to visit Uzbekistan, expressing his best wishes for Xi’s presidency in the SCO. The need for further partnerships in tourism, science, education, personnel training, and the study of the Chinese language was also noted.

The Forum of Confucius Institutes in Central Asia will be held in Tashkent, with plans to open branches of Chinese universities in Uzbekistan and to widely introduce the Chinese vocational education system, “Lu Ban Workshop.” The proposal to hold the Second Educational Forum next year was also discussed.

The meeting was conducted in a traditionally confidential, open, and friendly atmosphere.