President Tokayev Extends Congratulations to Azerbaijani President on Independence Day

President Tokayev Extends Congratulations to Azerbaijani President on Independence Day

Astana, The Gulf Observer: President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has conveyed his warmest regards to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Azerbaijan’s Independence Day, according to a statement released by the press service of Akorda.

In his telegram, President Tokayev expressed heartfelt congratulations to President Aliyev and the people of Azerbaijan on their national holiday, highlighting the remarkable progress of Azerbaijan in consolidating its statehood and international reputation. He underscored the significance of this historical milestone, emphasizing the special symbolism it holds.

“The impressive progress of Azerbaijan in strengthening the foundations of statehood and international authority fill in this historical date with a special symbolism,” President Tokayev stated.

President Tokayev also expressed Kazakhstan’s enthusiastic support for Azerbaijan’s achievements and reiterated the commitment to deepening the multifaceted cooperation between the two nations based on friendship and mutual support. He affirmed his confidence in the continued strengthening of the strategic partnership and alliance between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan for the mutual prosperity of their respective peoples.

“I am confident that the Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan strategic partnership and alliance will strengthen for the benefit of prosperity of our close nations,” the telegram reads.

In conclusion, President Tokayev extended his best wishes for further success to President Aliyev and conveyed his hopes for peace, prosperity, and progress to the fraternal Azerbaijani people.

The message highlights the enduring bonds of friendship and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, underscoring their shared commitment to mutual development and prosperity.