Saudi Arabia, Chad sign MoU for defense cooperation

Saudi Arabia, Chad sign MoU for defense cooperation

Riyadh, The Gulf Observer: The governments of Saudi Arabia and Chad signed in Riyadh Monday a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for defense cooperation, within the framework of the two countries’ constant efforts to develop bilateral relations in a way that promotes international peace and stability.

The Kingdom was represented at the signing of the MoU by the Assistant Minister of Defense for Executive Affairs Dr. Khaled Bin Hussein Al-Bayari, while Chad was represented by Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif, minister of state, and minister of foreign affairs, Chadians abroad, and African integration of Chad.

The MoU covered several defense fields between the two countries, mainly the development of cooperation in military training and exercises, logistical support, military medical services, cultural and social activities, and awareness in combating terrorism.

The signing ceremony was attended by senior officials from both sides.