Shavkat Mirziyoyev presentation on his Election Program

Shavkat Mirziyoyev presentation on his Election Program

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: The Presidential candidate from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with voters in Andijan region on Wednesday.
The meeting, held at the medical institution “Med City”, was opened by the candidate’s proxy in Andijan region Uktamjon Akhunov. He noted the results achieved under the leadership of Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the comprehensive development of Andijan region, creating an entrepreneurial and business environment, and improving the quality of life of people.

Candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a presentation on his Election Program.

“In the next seven years, 700 new polyclinics will be created in the districts and cities of our country. Thus, providing medical services in primary healthcare will become more accessible for 3 million people. In addition, all family medical posts, polyclinics, and hospitals will be renovated and provided with filtered drinking water and hot water supply. Hemodialysis departments will be doubled. Their number will be increased to 200. Thus, this type of service will cover all districts and cities”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

As the candidate noted, 1 million people will annually be screened for hepatitis B and C, leading to liver cirrhosis. Patients with hepatitis C will be treated entirely at the state’s expense.

MRI and MSCT surveys will be established in all districts and cities based on private partnerships. For these purposes, $100 million of investments will be directed.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that the salary of certified family doctors would be doubled.

Another new initiative. Now we will retrain family doctors in guaranteed medical services and issue qualification certificates to them. The salary of a certified doctor will be doubled.

The same procedure will apply to nurses who are truly committed to medicine. The size of bonuses paid to medical workers for long service will be reviewed and increased.

The ambulance car park will be completely renovated in the next seven years and replenished with electric vehicles by 50 percent. Due to this, 200 billion UZS a year will be saved on fuel alone. These funds will be used to develop ambulance services”, the candidate said.

In recent years, significant work has been carried out in Andijan region to provide the population with housing, and thousands of families have found their own homes. The candidate noted that such good work would be consistently continued. In particular, 3,000 high-rise buildings will be built in Andijan by 2030, and 100,000 families will find new housing. In the next seven years, 30 trillion UZS are planned to be allocated for these purposes.

At the same time, it is planned to provide 600,000 people with a centralized water supply in 427 mahallas by 2030 and improve the provision of drinking water to 1 million residents.

“To improve the water supply of 510 thousand people in the cities of Andijan, Khonabad and Karasu, Kurgantepa, Jalakuduk, Andijan, Asaka and Altinkul districts, a second network of “Khonabad – Andijan” main water pipeline will be built. For these purposes, $35 million of investments will be attracted. In general, we will increase the coverage of centralized drinking water in the region from 87 percent to 97 percent”, the candidate noted.

At the meeting with Andijan voters, the presidential candidate also dwelled on the work carried out in education.

In the coming years, in 131 mahallas where there are not enough kindergartens, 1.5 thousand public and private kindergartens will be built, and the capacity of 210 kindergartens will be increased. As a result, 90,000 boys and girls will additionally have the opportunity to receive preschool education, and we will increase the coverage of preschool children to 100 percent. Within seven years, new schools for 20 thousand places will be built in 25 mahallas without schools. At the same time, 80,000 student places will be created by constructing additional educational buildings in 150 schools.

Over the years, a new educational building for 2,000 students will be built at Andijan State University, 1,000 students at Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, and 1,000 students at Andijan State Medical Institute.

For the region’s youth striving for knowledge, six new higher education institutions will be created, in which more than 30 new directions will be opened. Due to this, coverage in higher education will be increased from 30 to 50 percent”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

At the meeting, the candidate announced that by the end of the year, a mega-project for constructing an alternative toll road “Tashkent – Andijan” would begin, creating great convenience for the residents of Fergana Valley.

To reduce the time for the valley’s residents to travel along the ring railway “Andijan – Fergana – Kokand – Namangan – Andijan”, the movement of 4 electric trains will be established. As a result, eight trips will be arranged daily, and about 10,000 passengers will be transported. $40 million will be raised for these purposes.

At the same time, Andijan International Airport will be completely renovated based on modern standards. $350 million will be allocated for these purposes.

By the end of this year, together with the World Bank, a mega-project worth $2.5 billion will be launched to build an alternative railway “Tashkent – Andijan”. As a result of the implementation of the project, getting from Andijan to Tashkent will take 3 hours instead of the current 5 hours, – Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

At the meeting, the presidential candidate shared information about the automotive industry and expressed the following thoughts:

Pay attention to one figure: the volume of industrial production of cars in Asaka district is higher than in nine regions of the country.

We will make an additional $1 billion investment for further development of the automotive industry. Thus, in the next two years, we will increase the production of cars from the current 300,000 units to 500,000 units. By 2030, we will be producing 1 million vehicles a year. Also, a large machine-building cluster is being created in Asaka with the participation of 13 enterprises”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

“As is known, we are starting to implement the mega-project “Construction of the international railway “Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan – China”, which is strategically important. A feasibility study for the project has been prepared, and by the end of the year, we will take practical steps to build it together with partner countries. This project will bring together Andijan entrepreneurs, reduce the cargo transportation route to China to 1.2 thousand kilometers, and the delivery duration of goods to 10 days”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

At a meeting with voters, the candidate also noted that innovations would be introduced regarding lonely older people.

Until now, it took a month to register a citizen as a lonely older person. To do this, it was necessary to collect nine documents and get the decision of a hokim. Now that the system has changed, all issues will be resolved in the mahalla. Social service employees will introduce a procedure to identify lonely older people in the mahalla, and they will draw up all the necessary documents themselves.

From now on, the decision of the hokim will not be required for the registration of single elderly citizens. In addition, the candidate emphasized that for older men and women living in “Sakhovat” homes, the pension will be paid in full (in practice, 20 percent is paid).

Representatives of the party noted that in the elections for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, they would support the candidacy of Shavkat Mirziyoyev and called on the rest to vote for this candidate.