Shenzhou-15 crew makes steady progress in scientific experiments

Beijing, The Gulf Observer: The Shenzhou-15 crew members have made steady progress in various scientific experiments and space station maintenance work since they entered orbit on November 30, 2022. Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu have completed tasks involving maintaining and repairing the China Space Station with support from ground headquarters.
They are currently busy with maintenance work on the environmental control and life support systems onboard the space station, and also with different space experiments.
So far, they have completed four extravehicular tasks, installing an expansion pump set and a load platform exposed to space to lay the foundations for more large-scale experiments outside the space station. The Shenzhou-15 crew will return to Earth in June, after the arrival of the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft at the space station and when they have completed handover of work.