UAE sponsors 4th United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit in New York

UAE sponsors 4th United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit in New York.

New York, The Gulf Observer: On the sidelines of the third edition, the United Nations (UN) has named the UAE the sponsor of the United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS) for 2024 in its fourth edition.

The summit, which is the largest gathering of police chiefs in the world, is a regular event held every two years at the UN Headquarters in New York. Police chiefs from member states will participate in the event and hold bilateral talks, with the aim of enhancing security and peace operations, and achieving cooperation in the policing, security and peace field among Member States.

A UAE Ministry of Interior delegation has taken part in the third UNCOPS 2022 along with senior representatives of regional and professional police organisations in New York from 31st August to 1st September, 2022. The event witnessed a huge turnout of police chiefs working in United Nations missions around the world.

The Summit aims to contribute to promoting international peace and security and development for all through a unified force and a national enabling role. It also aims to enhance mutual understanding among current and potential police, financial contributors, the United Nations Secretariat and entities of the United Nations on what the UN police need to carry out the diverse and complex tasks assigned to them, including protecting civilians, rebuilding national police services, preventing crime and conflict, and sustaining world peace.

The UNCOPS 2022 is an opportunity for global police executives and the United Nations leadership to engage in discussions on how the UN police and national police can support each other when addressing current and emerging global security challenges, including crises and natural and man-made incidents. They can benefit from of the skills, knowledge and expertise that national police personnel acquire from the service of the UN, their police services and their population.

During the event, a number of topics related to the role of the UN police in maintaining and making peace more sustainable were discussed, as well as the ways to step up the coordination of efforts between the UN and the national police to ensure better comprehensive response to any threats to global peace and security. The delegation also took part in the session held on the sidelines of the summit, titled Application of Modern Technologies in Law Enforcement. The session dealt with two main topics, the metaverse and law enforcement, and AI and law enforcement. During the session, the second virtual joint exercise of the International Security Alliance countries was reviewed and the AI for Safer Children Initiative, which was in partnership with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).