Uzbekistan Presidential Elections: Advance polling in Jizzakh continues

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: As part of the 4th Jizzakh constituency, which conducts the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the city of Jizzakh and in the territories of 12 districts, a total of 524 polling stations have been created in which advance polling is carried out.
Based on the appeals of political parties, district organizations, and assemblies of citizens of villages and mahallas, the election commission of the 4th Jizzakh district fully provided observer mandates to representatives of parties and citizens’ assemblies of mahallas to monitor the voting process at 524 polling stations.
“1,966 voters are registered at our polling station, 34 of them will vote at home, and 11 will vote for the first time”, said the Chairman of the precinct election commission Shukhrat Abdurakhimov. – Members of the commission are assigned to all 14 streets of the mahalla, and invitations to the elections have been fully sent out. To date, 22 of our voters have voted early for the worthy candidate.
Seven more voters took part in advance polling on July 4.
By 09:00 on July 4 this year, in the 4th Jizzakh constituency, 5,257 voters cast their votes early for the candidate they considered worthy