Iran strongly condemns desecration of Quran in Netherlands

Iran strongly condemns desecration of Quran in Netherlands

Tehran, The Gulf Observer: Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani has strongly denounced a new act of desecration of Islam’s holy book, Quran, in the Netherlands.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the spokesman called on the Dutch government to shoulder its responsibility for preventing insults to the religious sanctities of more than two billion Muslims across the world, and the repetition of such “hateful measures” that are taken under the name of free speech.

On Saturday, the leader of the anti-Islam PEGIDA group tore down copies of the holy Quran outside the embassies of Türkiye, Indonesia and Pakistan in The Hague.

It was the latest in a series of acts of desecration against Muslims’ holy book in Europe in recent months.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Monday, condemning “in the strongest terms the latest senseless and deeply offensive act of desecration of the Holy Quran.”

“It is a deliberately provocative and Islamophobic act that has hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the world. Such acts cannot be condoned under the guise of freedom of expression, opinion and protest”, said the statement released on the website of Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry.

Turkiye also denounced the “provocative attacks” against Quran, while Jordan reiterated its full rejection of such “irresponsible acts that provoke the feelings of two billion Muslims around the world, fuel hatred and threaten peaceful coexistence”, according to news reports.