President Tokayev Receives FC President to Discuss Football Academy Project

Kazakh President Receives FC President to Discuss Football Academy Project

Astana, The Gulf Observer: President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev welcomed Enrique Cerezo Torres, the President of Atlético Madrid Football Club, as reported by the Akorda press service.

During the meeting, Enrique Cerezo Torres presented a project proposal for establishing an Atlético Madrid Football Academy in Kazakhstan. The initiative aims to bolster the development of football in the country through the adoption of best practices and the enhancement of coaching skills.

President Tokayev emphasized Kazakhstan’s commitment to advancing football, noting that over 40,000 children participate in sports schools and leagues across the nation. He highlighted ongoing efforts to construct new stadiums and upgrade sports infrastructure nationwide.

“The government fully supports initiatives aimed at developing football,” stated President Tokayev, reflecting the administration’s dedication to fostering athletic growth and excellence.

Enrique Cerezo Torres elaborated on the global presence of Atlético Madrid Football Academies, which are designed to improve football training and mentorship by implementing advanced educational models.

The proposed Atlético Madrid Football Academy in Kazakhstan will be established at the Akbulak Olympic Centre in Talgar town, located in the Almaty region.

This collaboration signifies a significant step towards enhancing the football landscape in Kazakhstan, providing young athletes with access to high-quality training and development opportunities.