Saudi doctor obtains a patent in cyber security from USA

Saudi doctor obtains a patent in cyber security from USA

Washington, The Gulf Observer: Saudi Dr. Freih Bin Naif Al-Enezi has recently obtained a patent in the field of cyber security from United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The patent came for building a statistical methodology to measure the reliability of computer networks, which relied on the use of security vulnerability information for computers connected to the network.

Dr. Al-Enezi explained in a statement to Saudi Press Agency that this methodology was one of the most important outputs of the doctoral dissertation from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, USA, and it was registered in his name and the name of the thesis supervisor, Professor Christos Peter Chokos.

He pointed out that through the patent, it is possible to identify the interaction between security holes (vulnerabilities) and individual variables or risk factors that drive the minimum data steps needed to penetrate computer networks.

He said, Gaining a better understanding of the relationship between vulnerabilities and their interactions can provide cyber security officials with a better perspective and understanding of the security status of computer networks.

Dr. Al-Enezi expressed his thanks to the Saudi government for its unlimited support for scientific research and innovation, commending the support of the Ministry of Education and Majmaah University during the scholarship period.