Xi Jinping Inspects Qinghai Province, Emphasizes Education and Ethnic Unity

Education and Ethnic Unity

Beijing, The Gulf Observer: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, conducted an inspection tour of northwest China’s Qinghai Province on Tuesday.

During his visit, Xi inspected a middle school and a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Xining, the provincial capital of Qinghai. The inspection focused on local initiatives aimed at advancing education and fostering a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation.

At the middle school, Xi learned about the collaborative efforts between the eastern and western regions of China to enhance educational outcomes through paired assistance programs. These initiatives are designed to bridge regional disparities and improve the overall quality of education in Qinghai. Xi emphasized the importance of these efforts in strengthening the educational framework and fostering a sense of national unity.

Xi’s visit to the Tibetan Buddhist temple included discussions on the role of the Tibetan Buddhist community in promoting the fine traditions of loving both the country and the religion. He commended the efforts of the Tibetan Buddhist circle in advancing ethnic unity and progress, highlighting their contribution to the harmonious development of the region.

The inspection underscores the CPC Central Committee’s commitment to education and ethnic unity as key pillars for building a cohesive and prosperous Chinese nation. Xi’s visit to Qinghai Province reflects the ongoing efforts to integrate cultural, educational, and religious aspects to promote social harmony and development across the diverse regions of China.