COP28 Loss and Damage Fund: A Tiny Drop in Ocean

Climate change, an undeniable crisis, continues to inflict devastating consequences on vulnerable nations, leading to irreversible economic and non-economic losses. The recently concluded COP28 summit in Dubai marked a historic moment with the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund. This fund signaled a commitment by developed nations to provide financial support for the destruction caused by global heating. However, the initial pledges of just over $700 million have raised serious concerns, covering less than 0.2% of the estimated $400 billion in annual losses that developing countries face.
Ambassador Dr Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, the Executive Director of COMSATS, commended the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund but emphasized the need for technologically advanced and economically powerful nations to share a greater responsibility based on morality. Half-hearted measures, he stressed, are not tenable. Leveraging collective strength under a new era of climate diplomacy is a must to ensure a shared promising future, especially for those in the Global South.

The Loss and Damage Fund, considered a crucial step forward in climate action, was envisioned as a means for wealthy nations to take responsibility for repairing the damage inflicted on vulnerable nations by climate change. Unfortunately, the pledges fell far short of the colossal funding required, with estimates of annual damage ranging from $100 billion to a staggering $580 billion. This financial gap raises questions about the commitment of developed nations to address the urgent needs of those most affected by the climate crisis.
The largest pledge came from the United Arab Emirates, the host country of COP28, offering $100 million. Germany, Italy, and France followed suit with pledges of $100 million and $108 million, respectively. However, the United States, historically a major greenhouse gas emitter, committed a mere $17.5 million, highlighting a persistent indifference to the plight of the developing world. Japan, the third-largest economy, pledged $10 million, further underscoring the inadequacy of financial contributions from affluent nations.
Global Climate Youth activists expressed disappointment, stating that the initial pledges of $700 million pale in comparison to the colossal need for funding, estimated in the hundreds of billions annually. This sentiment echoes the frustration of many climate justice advocates who expected more substantial commitments from nations responsible for the climate emergency.

The Loss and Damage funds were intended to be new and additional, coming in the form of grants rather than loans, according to climate justice experts. However, details about the nature and timing of the pledged money remain unclear, further complicating the assessment of their effectiveness. The UK’s £60 million ($75 million) pledge drew criticism for not being new or additional, as it was taken from an existing and recently downgraded climate finance pledge.
While the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund is a significant step, the inadequacy of the pledges emphasizes the need for urgent and substantial action. The first week of COP28 concluded with combined pledges amounting to just $700 million, a mere 0.2% of the estimated funding required. This raises concerns about the commitment of wealthy nations to address the devastating consequences of climate change faced by vulnerable communities worldwide.
During a focused group discussion with global youth climate leaders, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Lt Hon Patricia Scotland, candidly expressed her views on the recently established Loss and Damage Fund. She metaphorically described it as a “tiny drop in the ocean,” emphasizing the vast disparity between the financial commitment and the enormity of the challenges faced by vulnerable nations due to climate change. Drawing attention to the financial dynamics in some Middle Eastern countries, she criticized the fund’s size by stating that certain nations in the region allocate more substantial sums to acquire football teams. Despite this critique, Lt Hon Patricia Scotland acknowledged it as a beginning, recognizing the need for collective activism and persistent struggle to substantially increase the fund. Her remarks underscore the recognition that the current financial commitments are insufficient, urging for more substantial contributions to effectively address the losses and damages experienced by the most vulnerable communities worldwide.
The most vulnerable nations, constituting 22% of the global population and responsible for only 5% of global emissions, have suffered approximately $525 billion in losses due to climate change. The Loss and Damage Fund was designed to hold rich countries accountable for providing financial compensation to these nations, which bear the brunt of rising sea levels, floods, droughts, cyclones, and other extreme weather events.
The COP28 summit, while making progress with the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund, falls short of addressing the broader issue of fossil fuel usage. The global stocktake, a core component of the Paris accords, is currently in negotiations to determine the future of loss and damage funding arrangements. The outcome of these discussions will play a crucial role in whether the world can effectively limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Several lead negotiators voiced concerns at the closing plenary about the loopholes and shortcomings in the agreement, emphasizing the need for a clear path to the end of fossil fuel usage. COP28 president Sultan al-Jaber, despite criticism for conflicts of interest as a major oil company CEO, deserves credit for persuading big oil producers to support the deal. However, the agreement leaves significant work to be done to achieve a genuine transition away from fossil fuels.
As COP28 concludes, the $700 million pledge to the Loss and Damage Fund raises questions about the commitment of wealthy nations to address the urgent needs of developing countries. The insufficient financial contributions, coupled with concerns about the effectiveness of the funds, highlight the persistent challenges in the fight against climate change. Looking ahead to COP29, there is an urgent need for enhanced commitments and concrete actions to bridge the funding gap and support vulnerable nations in their struggle against the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. Only through collective and decisive action can the international community hope to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement and secure a sustainable future for all.