Green University to open in Uzbekistan

Tashkent, The Gulf Observer: The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a resolution on measures to organize the activities of the Central Asian University for the Study of Environment and Climate Change (Green University).
The Civil Service Development Agency will include citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who graduated from this university in the National Personnel Reserve and, after five years of work experience – in the list of promising candidates appointed to senior positions in their specialty.
Training will be held in Uzbek, Russian, and English based on a credit-modular system. At the undergraduate stage, taking into account the requirements of the state educational standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan – in English and one of the official languages of the United Nations.
The educational process will be based on a state grant and a paid contract for integrating science, education, and production.
Applicants who have certificates from leading, recognized international examination systems (TOEFL, IELTS, CEFR, SAT General, SAT Subject and others) are awarded maximum scores in the relevant subjects in the prescribed manner, and subsequently they are exempted from taking exams in these subjects.
Every year, citizens of Central Asian countries will be allocated at least 25 grant places for undergraduate studies and at least 20 grant places in master and doctoral studies (Ph.D.) in the manner and on conditions determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.