Indonesian Diaspora Positioned as Key Contributors to Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision: Marsudi

Indonesian Diaspora Positioned as Key Contributors to Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision: Marsudi

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has emphasized the strategic role of the Indonesian diaspora in realizing the nation’s ambitious Golden Indonesia 2045 vision. Speaking at the Global Human Capital Summit 2024 in Jakarta, Marsudi highlighted the potential of the eight million-strong diaspora as a crucial element of the country’s human resources.

“Our diaspora is not just living abroad; they are an integral part of our national development,” Minister Marsudi stated. She noted that the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, in collaboration with Bappenas, has identified thousands of high-potential individuals from this diaspora, drawn from a pool of over 690,000 talented Indonesians.

Marsudi pointed to three key areas of expertise among these individuals: research and innovation, arts and culture, and sports. She stressed that these talents are essential for building national capacity and applying their skills to advance Indonesia’s development goals.

In addition to their roles as agents of change, the Indonesian diaspora is seen as pioneers in navigating the complexities of emerging technologies, including renewable energy and artificial intelligence. “The Indonesian diaspora members are our captains in identifying opportunities, solving problems, and providing solutions to the dynamic landscape we face,” Marsudi affirmed.

The Foreign Minister echoed President Joko Widodo’s view, emphasizing the diaspora’s role as a bridge connecting Indonesian talent with the global community. “Each diaspora member is an ambassador, representing our aspirations for a peaceful, prosperous, democratic, and inclusive Indonesia,” she declared.

Marsudi concluded by expressing confidence that the partnership between Indonesia and its diaspora will drive progress for future generations, contributing significantly to the nation’s long-term vision.