Indonesian Delegation Walks Out of UNGA 79 in Protest Before Netanyahu’s Speech

Indonesian Delegation Walks Out of UNGA 79 in Protest Before Netanyahu's Speech

New York, The Gulf Observer: Indonesian delegates at the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79) walked out of the chamber on Friday in protest ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech. The demonstration occurred as Netanyahu approached the podium to address the Assembly, prompting a wave of delegates to leave their seats.

The walkout, which took place on Friday, September 27, local time, saw the Indonesian representatives join a broader protest by delegates from several other countries, including Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Cuba. These nations, known for their support of the Palestinian cause, are part of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Arab League, and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

As the delegates vacated their seats, the atmosphere in the Assembly became tense, leading UNGA President Philemon Yang to call for order in the chamber.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has been a vocal advocate for Palestinian rights throughout the UNGA 79 session. Her messages in multilateral forums and bilateral meetings have underscored the urgency of addressing the Palestinian issue, including calls for immediate international recognition of Palestinian sovereignty.

At a ministerial meeting on the situation in Gaza on Thursday, September 26, Marsudi reiterated Indonesia’s firm stance on the issue. “Recognizing Palestinian sovereignty is essential for providing hope to the Palestinian people,” she stated. “It is also an important step towards achieving a two-state solution. Most importantly, it is the only way to put political pressure on Israel to end its atrocities.”

Marsudi criticized countries that have delayed recognizing Palestine, questioning their reluctance. “When will be the right time? For me, the right time is now,” she emphasized. “We don’t want to wait until all Palestinians are displaced, until 100,000 people are killed, to say that this is the right time.”

The Indonesian Foreign Minister also stressed the importance of implementing UN General Assembly Resolution ES-10/24, which calls for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories, and reaffirmed the need for continued support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Indonesia’s walkout, along with the actions of other nations, reflects the deep-seated frustration with the ongoing conflict and the international community’s slow progress toward a resolution.