Pakistan’s Agricultural Expertise: A Potential way forward for Agricultural Advancement in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan, is largely a desert consisting area. The Great Garagum (Karakum) desert occupies 80% area of the country. South, East and North oases, are thick populated. According to an estimate, agricultural land accounts for more than 80% of Turkmenistans. The agriculture sector provides employment approximately 50% of the total labour force of the country.
The subtropical climate is the main issue which effects the agriculture of the country. Every one knows that water is the basic need and plays a significant role in the flourishing of agriculture.
Being a desert country and scarcity of rain, Turkmenistans’ agriculture mainly depends upon the good system of irrigation, Hence intensive agriculture is only possible in those areas where irrigation facility is areavailable. Most of the irrigated area depends on the world’s longest canal called Karakum, which irrigates across the whole country, it’s source is Amu River.
This canal is considered the life line for the country’s agriculture and water needs. Though decrepit Kara Kum canal is not a single irrigation source, there are some other comparativelly small sources of irrigation. The Dostluck Dam, opened at Sarah’s on the border with Iran is also a source of irrigation that is contributing pivotal role in the irrigation of agricultural lands, one more dam is built on Atrek River, that enhanced the water storage capacity of the country. The lands irrigated by the water is mostly long series of Oases, these are watered by canals,greatly producing cotton and grains( mainly wheat), The Turkmen Cotton is most valuable and liked all over the World.
Turkmenistan is among the ten top cotton producing Countries of the World. The raw cotton of Turkmenistan is exported to Russia, Iran, Turkeya, U.K, South Korea, Indonesia, China Ukraine and Singapore, wheat and other grains are locally consumed. The other cultivated crops are potatoes, Tomatoes, Garlic and other vegetables which are locally used, sugarcane and fruits like apples, dates, pears,alycha, apricots,walnuts and also pistachio in small quantity is grown. The Silk production ( sericulture) is also common.
The rural population also depends upon the desert pastures where animals like rearing of karakul sheep is popular, other cattle like goat, horses and camels are brought up and play an important role in rural economy.
After independence the government of new Turkmenistan reviewed old policy and embarked the path of reformation in agriculture sector. The major steps are taken to increase the yield by making huge investment in agricultural sector.
New packages and incentives for the progress and modernization of agriculture sector are introduced, increasing the size of the house hold plot sector, enabliing the emergence of new independent private farms, and most importantly individualizing to a certain extent the production arrangements in former collective farms through the introdduction of lease hold contracts. Now the new lease holder independent farmers are taking more interest and struggling more with enthusiasm for increasing their yield. The Government is also providing them tractors, harvesters, cotton cultivaters, seeders and other agricultural equipments to increase their crops production. Since independence the Government has spent an huge amount on import of the agricultural machinery from Belrus and U.S.A.
The positive results of this policy of modernization are seen, the area of grains cultivation mainly that of wheat has increased more than 3 times. The private farmers are taking interest in growing mostly vegetables and fruits, this increased range of crops is mainly fulfilling the targeted goals of selfsufficiency in food.
However most of the agricultural area can be made more fit for huge production of different Crops by eradicating the climatic hurdles and renovation of the irrigation infrastructure. The old infrastructure that supports agriculture is mainly the decrepit Karakum canal which supplies water to many parts of the country, but huge amount of water is evaporated, seepage of water is an other problem which badly effects the cultivation.
The evaporation of water can be decreased by covering the canal or at least inlets and outlets, Covered reservoirs of water can be helpful to avoid evaporation problems. The use of modern techniques with less water, more growth is possible. Help of those countries who are using this method in similar climatic conditions can make Turkmenistan green. Those countries of middle east who are using such techniques can be helpful to solve the problem of scarcity of water facing the desert areas of Turkmenistan.
The contamination of water is another problem for the agriculture and inhabitants, it can also be solved or at least lessened by using modern techniques. The Agricultural University of Turkmenistan can play a major role to solve the problems of agriculture and water. The joint projects between Turkmenistan and Pakistan in agriculture, environmental pollution and purification of contaminated water can be made, and Agricultural Universties of Pakistan and Turkmenistan can provide research based help.
Pakistan’s Agricultural Expertise: A Potential way forward for Agricultural Advancement in Turkmenistan
The brother country can get benefit from Pakistan’s agricultural scientists to overcome the difficulties, same can be done for the purification of contaminated water, for irrigation and public use. Pakistan can also be helpful to the brother Country, Turkmenistan in growth of dates and wheat and many fruits that are being cultivated in the areas of Pakistan having Turkmenistan like climatic conditions. Pakistan is basically an agricultural country, having a large canal based irrigation system, desert areas have similar climatic conditions and faced the same problems as Turkmenistan is facing , hence Pakistan is in a better position to share his experience and help the brother country, Joint planning and exchange of expert view and skills in agriculture and irrigation will be a source of development and benefit for both countries.
The agricultural ministries of both countries should arrange joint project based programs to help each other. This cooperation, sharing of technical assistance, skills and information will change barren lands of both count in beautiful green meadows and pastures for grazing cattle. This all will be helpful in the development of the agriculture, irrigation and agriculture based industry of the both countries.