President Shavkat Mirziyoyev Visits Inno Technopark in Tashkent

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev Visits Inno Technopark in Tashkent

Almazar District, The Gulf Observer: President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan made an official visit to the Inno Technopark in Almazar district, Tashkent. Established three years ago, the technopark is a hub for innovative ideas and inventions aimed at advancing the industrial sectors of the country. The technopark collaborates with higher education institutions to train young people in modern professions, hosting workshops and practical classes annually for approximately 15,000 students.

In Uzbekistan, innovation centers like the Inno Technopark are becoming increasingly common, driving development in industry, energy, and information technology. These centers are launching new complexes and require a workforce of engineers and technicians with up-to-date knowledge and qualifications.

During his visit, President Mirziyoyev was presented with the activities of several higher engineering schools established at prominent institutions, including Tashkent State Technical University, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Tashkent State Transport University, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and Tashkent University of Information Technology.

A recent Resolution by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated February 2, 2024, outlines significant tasks to enhance the organizational and managerial activities of higher education institutions that train personnel in the engineering and technical fields. This includes a thorough review and modernization of existing curricula to align with contemporary technologies and employer needs.

In the first phase, ten higher education institutions will open higher engineering schools. These schools will have supervisory boards comprising both scientists and representatives from partner enterprises. The schools will offer two-year master’s degree programs, with candidates selected based on orders from manufacturers. In the first year, students will design new products, conduct scientific research, and study advanced modular programs. In the second year, they will test technological processes at enterprises, working on experimental design samples of new products.

President Mirziyoyev emphasized the importance of practical applicability and the effectiveness of scientific research in higher education institutions. He stressed that the focus on the education system should translate into tangible scientific achievements.

During his visit, the President also reviewed several innovative inventions and advanced developments by researchers, including energy-efficient devices, a cooling system for transformers, chemical reagents for the oil and gas industry, modern construction approaches, engineering projects for hydraulic structures, and cutting-edge solutions in information technology.

This visit underscores the commitment of Uzbekistan’s leadership to fostering innovation and modernizing education to meet the demands of an evolving industrial landscape.