Azerbaijan celebrates August 1 as Azerbaijani Alphabet and Azerbaijani Language Day

Azerbaijan celebrates August 1 as Azerbaijani Alphabet and Azerbaijani Language Day

Baku, The Gulf Observer: August 1 is celebrated as Azerbaijani Alphabet and Azerbaijani Language Day. This significant day was established according to the Decree of National Leader Heydar Aliyev dated August 9, 2001. The Great Leader signed that Decree considering that the transition to the Latin alphabet of Azerbaijan was fully ensured in August 2001 in our country and that the use of the new alphabet was an important event in the social and political life of independent Azerbaijan and in the history of our written culture.

Despite the obstacles created during the Soviet era, the Azerbaijani language, which has unshakable foundations, managed to maintain its existence. In 1945, the establishment of an independent Institute of Linguistics within the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences gave a serious impetus to the development of our linguistics as a science. In the following years, the services of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in the direction of protecting the Azerbaijani language from current threats and protecting it for future generations should be specially mentioned. When the new Constitution of the USSR was approved in 1977, the National Leader, who did not agree with the fact that the article about the state language was not included, showed his principled position on this issue until the end. On April 2, 1978, at the seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the ninth convocation dedicated to the draft of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic and the results of its national discussion, it was decided to amend Article 73 at the insistence of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. This change reflects the fact that the state language of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic is Azerbaijani. Despite all the difficulties, the achievement of such a historic decision by the National Leader was a big step in the development of our language, which is considered the basis of our spiritual existence.

AZERTACtakes a look at the measures implemented in the direction of protecting and developing our language in the modern independent Republic of Azerbaijan. The Great Leader’s efforts to protect and develop the Azerbaijani language from the negative effects of the globalization period are irreplaceable contributions for our people. The decrees signed by the national leader on July 18, 2001 “On the improvement of the implementation of the state language” and “On the establishment of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and Azerbaijani Language Day” signed on August 9 of the same year are among the unparalleled services rendered in terms of the protection and development of our mother tongue. On January 2, 2003, with the Decree of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the State Language in the Republic of Azerbaijan” came into force.

The political line of the National Leader, who took important steps to protect our mother tongue, is confidently continued by President Ilham Aliyev. According to the Decree “On the implementation of mass publications in the Azerbaijani language with Latin script” signed by the head of our state on January 12, 2004, a list of works to be printed in the Azerbaijani alphabet with Latin script is prepared every year. In addition, on January 14 of the same year, “On the publication of the Azerbaijani National Encyclopedia”, as well as on December 30, 2007, “On the approval of the list of works of prominent representatives of world literature to be published in the Azerbaijani language” application has been implemented. Taking into account the requirements and realities of the modern era, the President of Azerbaijan approved the “State Program on the use of the Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of the time and the development of linguistics in the country” with the Decree dated April 9, 2013, protecting the purity and richness of our mother tongue, which is a mirror of our national and spiritual existence. is an important historical event. The purpose of the State Program is to increase the state’s concern for the use and study of the Azerbaijani language, the use of our language in accordance with the requirements of the time in the conditions of globalization, and the improvement of linguistic research in the country. The document also It involves the unification of creative efforts aimed at the development of fundamental and applied research in the leading directions of linguistics and the connection of linguistics with the current problems of modern society. The Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated July 17, 2018 “On a number of measures to ensure wider use of the Azerbaijani language in the electronic space” is of particular importance in terms of further expanding the scope of the development and application of the Azerbaijani language. The Decree “On measures to protect the purity of the Azerbaijani language and further improve the use of the state language” signed by the head of state on November 1, 2018 confirms once again that the state language is always in the center of attention in our country.

It should be recalled that within the framework of the implementation of the duties arising from that Decree, a Monitoring Center was established under the State Language Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the relevant decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.