Lukashenko Approves Belarus’ Strategic Participation in SCO and BRICS Until 2030

Baku, The Gulf Observer: Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has officially approved the strategies outlining the country’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS, according to local media reports.
The strategies, developed by the Belarusian government, were presented to President Lukashenko for review and approval. The first document details Belarus’ engagement with the SCO, defining the conceptual areas, goals, and objectives for the country’s involvement, alongside the mechanisms for their implementation in both the short and medium-term. Similarly, the second strategy focuses on Belarus’ actions within the BRICS framework, specifying priority areas for collaboration with member and partner states of the group.
In the summer of 2024, Belarus officially became a full member of the SCO and later formalized its status as a BRICS partner state, marking a significant step in its foreign policy.
Both strategies are designed to guide Belarus’ international relations through 2030, with provisions for periodic extensions, updates, and revisions to address evolving global dynamics.