Double Standards and the Dilemma of Western Azerbaijani Refugees

The response of human rights to the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan reveals an obvious gap between the invocation and application of human rights.
Many Armenian officials, politicians and human rights activists present themselves as champions of justice, but as their double standard when it comes to applying those principles indicates, such championing of justice is far from being genuine.
Armenians who left Garabagh voluntarily, are still being encouraged to return, while Western Azerbaijani refugees from Western Azerbaijan are not allowed to return. By shining a spotlight on these polemics, this analysis exposes the gaps in Armenia’s position regarding territorial claims and human rights. If the plight of Azerbaijani refugees is not taken seriously by the international community, this injustice will be doubled.
But the well to artfully arranged Armenian lobbying efforts overshadow the stories of many other individuals who were forcibly expelled, or subjected to violence or systemic discrimination. Such an imbalance sustains a discourse that imagines extreme suffering for the Azerbaijanis and does not acknowledge the pain of the Azerbaijanis left voiceless and without a place in this story.
The unwillingness of Armenia to admit these injustices, and all that they can mean, fuels ongoing tensions surrounding these principles of equality and justice. Global actors need to call out this narrative, demand the rights of all displaced populations and hold Armenia to account.
So in my point of view, the rights of the Western Azerbaijani refugees must be given the same importance as those of any other displaced group and the fair and impartial resolution of this conflict must be demanded by justice.