Indonesia, Oman discuss labor cooperation

Jakarta, The Gulf Observer: Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower is exploring labor cooperation with the government of Oman.
The cooperation covers labor relations, labor laws and regulations, human resource capacity-building, occupational health and safety, and combating human trafficking, Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, informed here on Monday.
“We hope this meeting can be a new momentum for the governments of Indonesia and Oman to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of labor,” she said at a bilateral meeting with head of the legal department of the Omani Foreign Ministry, Sulaiman Saud Al Jabri.
Indonesia is one of the countries that places migrant workers in various countries, she added.
The migrant worker placement schemes vary from G-to-G (government-to-government), P-to-P (private-to-private), and inter-corporate transfers, to independent placements.
As a form of protection for Indonesian migrant workers working abroad, Indonesia has imposed a number of provisions on the countries of placement, for instance, the destination country must have regulations that protect foreign workers in all sectors as well as have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Indonesia.
Moreover, the placement country must have a social security and/or insurance system that protects foreign workers and its migrant placement system must be integrated with Indonesia’s.
“Currently, the Indonesian government has a policy of placing skilled and certified migrant workers in accordance with their fields to occupy jobs in the formal sector,” she said.
Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus, where the productive age population is dominating the overall population, the minister added.
To optimize this potential, the government of Indonesia is continuing to improve the skills and competitiveness of Indonesian human resources through vocational training.
“We hope that both countries can develop cooperation in vocational training exchange programs,” she said.