Qatar participates in ICAO Security Week 2023

Montreal, The Gulf Observer: The State of Qatar, represented by the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA), participated in the ICAO Security Week 2023: AVSEC & CYBERSEC in Montreal, Canada, in the presence of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) member state accredited officials, as well as a number of Aviation security and cybersecurity experts from several regulators, along with many operators, service providers, and aviation industry representatives.
The conference sought to unify international efforts and adopt a comprehensive approach to counter international civil aviation security challenges, by addressing the resilience of civil aviation’s critical infrastructure against past, new, and emerging threats.
The discussions also included sessions on core security topics (conflict zones, cargo security, human factors, etc.) as well as emerging and evolving security-related topics such as cybersecurity, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems, and major disruptions caused by airport breaches.